"I just saw the Rebirth Brass Band, unbelievable. Hard as hell, free as a ray of light, there is not a band on earth that is better. Stunning."
– Flea, Red Hot Chili Peppers
Since their founding, the Rebirth Brass Band has developed a signature brand of heavy funk that has influenced not only New Orleans’ brass band culture for the last 30 years, but acted as a precursor to the wildly popular “bounce” hip-hop style the city is known for.
Rebirth Brass Band will be performing for one night only in order to prepare for the 2020 Grammy’s.
Join us for dinner before or during the show. Explore our menu >> Did you know that we offer a premium seating option for those who pre-order a $39 food/beverage voucher? Call 612-332-5299 to learn more and order.
Learn More: http://www.rebirthbrassband.com/
- Genre:
- Jazz