Led by Andy Schultz and Todd Ortberg, the classic Police trio expands and comes alive with a 7-piece ensemble, including members of The Police trio tribute Toast In The Machine. The ensemble truly nails the sounds and energy of both Sting and The Police.
Hear hits like “Roxanne,” “Every Breath You Take,” “Don’t Stand So Close to Me,” “Message In a Bottle,” “King of Pain,” “Every Little Thing She Does is Magic,” “If I Ever Lose My Faith in You,” “If You Love Somebody, Set Them Free,” “Wrapped Around Your Finger” and many others!
Featuring soaring vocals and great rock/ska rhythms layered with saxophone, keyboards and backing singers to round out a fully musically textured show that consistently sells out theaters and clubs in the Minneapolis area. Don’t miss it!
LEARN MORE: https://stingandthepolicetribute.com/
- Genre:
- Rock/Pop