Munson-Hicks Party Supplies


In 2020, bittersweetly seriocomic piano man Dylan Hicks (largely) handed the mic over to John Munson of Semisonic (and then some), in whose voice Hicks’s stories of wrong turns taken and second thoughts re-thunk take on a slightly different shade of wistful. But as you’ll recall, that wasn’t the best time to play live shows. And a planned post-lockdown show had to be rescheduled too. So this belated showcase of their self-titled album together is something to look forward to. The band is rounded out by guitarist Zacc Harris, organist Kevin Gastonguay, and drummer Noah Levy, and Aby Wolf, Faith Boblett, and Kelley Smith will join them as well. (RACKET)

AUG 18 • 7PM


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