The veteran saxophonist has been all over the place, touring with Mandy Moore, the Backstreet Boys and Dave Koz; backing contestants on “American Idol”; hosting a show on the Chill Channel on Sirius XM, and running the website to celebrate women power. In 2018, she won several Independent Blues Awards for her work with the Boneshakers.
FRI MAR 6 • &PM + 9PM
He got divorced and wrote an album about it. She got divorced and wrote a memoir. Now these accomplished Americana singer-songwriters are married to each other, touring together and touting their individual 2019 albums. Coproduced and cowritten by Moorer, Carll’s rootsy and folkie “What It Is,” his second — and happier — post-divorce disc, features the almost sunny “None’Ya” and the slightly rockin’ “Beautiful Thing.” A deeply felt companion to her memoir of the same name, Moorer’s “Blood” reflects profound hurt but emboldening resiliency. In concert, she opens the night, he closes and they’ll sing some tunes together.
SAT MAR 7 • 7PM (SOLD OUT) + 9:30PM
Although regarded as a kingpin of smooth jazz, this versatile veteran saxophonist has earned widespread respect for his work in R&B, jazz, rock and blues by playing with a who’s who, including the Rolling Stones, Albert King, Stevie Wonder and the Brecker Brothers. Always willing to let his band members shine, the six-time Grammy winner will be joined by Wisconsin-reared pianist Geoffrey Keezer, drummer Billy Kilson and multi-instrumentalist Michael Dease, among others.
MON + TUES • MAR 9 + 10 • 7PM + 9PM
Guitarist Chieli Minucci, an Emmy-winning composer and studio musician, leads this ever-evolving jazz fusion ensemble in toasting the February release “All Stars” with saxophonist Eric Marienthal and violinist Karen Briggs, who sparkled last month with piano powerhouse Nachito Herrera at the Dakota.
WED MAR 11 • 7PM + 9PM
The voice of the Judds is temporarily back in a duo format, doing stripped-down songs and stories with her husband on drums, guitar and mandolin. The garrulous Wynonna is a terrific storyteller in conversation and song.
THU + FRI • MAR 12 + 13 • 7PM