Blinded by glaucoma at birth, Butler has been playing the piano since he was six years old, and arranging, composing, and performing professionally since he was twelve.  Once you’ve heard what bluesman Henry Butler’s hands can create on those ivories, there’s no going back. Those hands boogie that keyboard like no one else’s. Throw in a classically trained voice aching us through the blues, and you’re someplace you have never been before and would give anything to return to, again and again.

Call or click here for tickets: 612.332.5299

“…Henry Butler is arguably the greatest living proponent of the classic New Orleans piano tradition, playing an amalgam of boogie-woogie, jazz, blues and classical in the lineage of Professor Longhair, James Booker, Tuts Washington, Allen Toussaint and countless other emperors of the ivories…”  Richard Skelly – All Music Guide


McNasty Brass Band is a collection of Minneapolis/Saint Paul based horn players and percussionists that fuse the Minneapolis sound with the spirit of New Orleans. The outcome of this fusion is hard-hitting dance music and high-energy live shows.  These youthful but experienced side-men come together and showcase their compositions, solos, group vocals, and stage presence as front-men

Call or click for reservations: 651.291.2715

“McNasty Brass Band is a perfect example of why you shouldn’t make fun of the kid who is super into trumpet in 5th grade” – Twincitiesmedia


For two decades, Mama Digdown’s has traveled the world spreading the gospel of New Orleans brass band music. While Mama Digdown’s nods respectively to the tradition of New Orleans jazz, the street beat they play has earned them the reputation as one of the hottest and hardest hitting brass bands. Mama Digdown’s has played hundreds of shows in their time together and is equally at home in concert halls, festivals, clubs and parades.

Call or click for tickets: 651.291.2715

“It is hard not to get caught up in the atmosphere, and start snapping your fingers and chanting along ….This is one band that really knows how to make things swing” – MNBlues 


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