The highly anticipated debut self titled record “Mississippi” has just dropped (released 10/14/16 on Shifting Paradigm Records). Discover the radiant beauty of this blossoming stellar album & feel it’s true emotional wonders by witnessing these talented fusioneers live to really grasp what this music & vibe are all about. This press quote captures them vividly: “The music of Mississippi may be described as an intense blend of colors & eclectic traditions that include modern jazz, festejo & hip hop influences. Wild & burnin’ one moment, soft & sweet the next… this group has an emotional and creative range that is not to be missed.”
With the roots of this flowing cerebrally pleasing project spanning the Americas, the end result is a gratifying excitable mix of hybrid jazz styles that will inevitably dazzle & entertain. The extensive growing jazz community of the Twin Cities is certainly delighted for the return of Mississippi to the intimate soundstage at the Dakota on Mon. October 17, 2016 at 7pm. Don’t miss this opportunity to catch these rising legends in the making in their mesmerizing live element. Mississippi will wind & twist you to delta of joy & sound.
Here is an exclusive podcast of an interview of Mississippi’s keyboardist Peter Schimke made ahead of this show by Brave New Radio. The local piano master took a moment to talk about the project. Listen in.